Bloomington, IN: Metz Carillion Bell Tower, Indiana University Campus

Almost every day at work at lunchtime, I take a walk somewhere around campus. My favorite spot recently has been the Metz Carillion Tower, the bell tower on the north side of campus. 

It has a nice view of a distant Wells Library (the tall building in the center below) and feels fairly secluded from the normal hustle and bustle of the campus.

My favorite part is the benches. Sometimes I just want to go somewhere to be by myself and sit and enjoy the sunshine. I use it to recharge during the day since I am by nature an introvert; I'm by no means shy or anti-social (I mean seriously, look at my social calendar for proof of that), but I need to go be by myself for a while to get my energy back after interacting with people all day. (Or just listening to people being around me all day!) This is the only spot on campus I've found that it is 99% likely there will be no one else around.

I have never heard the bells play and the stairs to the top are understandably locked. But back in 2009 the Jacobs School had a recital at the carillion, and you can listen to a few pieces from it here and here.
Bloomington, IN: Metz Carillion Bell Tower, Indiana University Campus Bloomington, IN: Metz Carillion Bell Tower, Indiana University Campus Reviewed by Maria on 10:00:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. Are all of those trees still leaf-less? Or are these old pictures?

    1. These photos are from late March/early April. Should have said that, sorry! There are definitely leaves now.

  2. can you still go up to the top of the tower? we went there the other day gates were locked and bells never chimed???

    1. Unfortunately I have never been able to get to the top either. The gates were always locked. I haven't been here in over a year (no longer work next to it) so I can't comment on bell chimes, but don't remember hearing them ever. :( Sorry!


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